Rarefaction's On-line Garage Sale!
All items listed for sale on this page are for shipment within the U.S. only.

Contact Rarefaction. You can also pay me via PayPal. Please check with me BEFORE sending any payments to be sure the item is still available.

AXIS Printpoint 560/100 - $25.00
The AXIS 560/100 print server has a 10/100 Ethernet port - connects up to three printers on your network, easy to install, manage & monitor with AXIS Netpilot (Windows OS). Ships in original box.

AudioLab Electronics TD-18 Tape Degausser - $25.00
This is the most basic of tape degaussers, but one that you could pass down to your grandchildren and it would still be working! The TD-18 does the trick for erasing cassettes, video cassettes and 10 1/2 reels.

Waves Native PowerPack 2.3 for MacOS with ADB Wavekey dongle. - $25.00
Includes Original box and operations manual.

From our dusty vintage boxes, we have found some collectables that are more museum pieces than practical audio gear:

Digidesign DAT i/o Bi-Directional Digital Interface - $25.00
Serial# 00003 from 4/9/90!

Opcode Studio Plus Two Model ST-2246 - $25.00

Dynex Noise Suppression Model 241 (two channels) - $25.00
This unit belongs behind glass! Before the days of Dolby!!

Items from the Vintage box have no documentation or power supplies and are sold as is.