S1000 Compatible Samplers

The following samplers should be able to read Akai's S1000 format. There may be others added since this list was created... which was a while back. If your sampler is not listed here, please check your documentation for S1000 compatibility.
Please check with the manufacturer's specifications for any changes.

E-MU Samplers
Models E3X, ESI32, all E4's, E64, E6400

Ensoniq Samplers
Models ASR-10, ASR-10R (rack), ASR-88
Note: You must be running OS version 3.0 or greater.

The Trinity Keyboard with a Sample Playback Flash ROM Expansion (PBS-TRI) and SCSI Option (SCSI-TRI)

Kurzweil Samplers
Model K2500

Peavey Samplers
Model SP Plus
The SP Plus will read S1000 samples up to the pre-set level.

Roland Samplers
Models S-760, DJ-70mkII

Yamaha Samplers
Model A7000 (sold only in Japan)
Model A3000

And of course, all Akai S-series Samplers from S1000 and up!